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okkuglas Horlogeglas oogbandages

  • Huidvriendelijk en ergonomisch
  • Onbreekbaar
  • Klaar voor gebruik
  • Aero model in 2 afmetingen : IDEALE PROTECTIE EN EEN KLAAR ZICHT
  • Okkuglas
  • Okkuglas aero
  • Okkluglas extra
  • Okkuglas Aero Extra
Both OKKLUglas and the aerated model OKKLUglas AERO, which does not mist, help the eye as they are skin-friendly and ergonomically formed. The cover is light, stable and protects the eye. The watch glass bandage perfectly fits to the face and offers maximum comfort.
Heads are different and so are faces – some are small and some are bigger. How to solve ? Take our wide range of OKKLUglas because you may not only choose between OKKLUglas and OKKLUglas AERO, in addition, there are OKKLUglas EXTRA and AERO EXTRA. Both products are provided with an extra large adhesive area to guarantee optimal fitting. OKKLUglas is both ergonomic and hygienic: all watch glass bandages, the double-layer wearing material included, are possible to be sterilized.

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